Living in the Unknown: The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune. The Fates. They are always there. They will always bring change, both wanted and unwanted. And we have to roll along with it. But what is a wheel? It is a round object with a well defined center. The center is where you are called to be. “The Middle Way”. Acceptance of where the wheel is rolling at the moment is best done right in the middle. Not allowing yourself to get pulled down the spokes to the rim. The rim will always roll through mud, get cleaned by the rain, and dried by the sun. Always changing its state. It is easy to be run by these constant changes, but how exhausting is that?

It can be tricky to stay in the middle. It takes some balancing. According to Pema Chodron we have such an urge to move to the right or the left, just to get away from the middle when the middle is an unknown. It is not knowing if you are going right or left. And here is the key: acceptance of that unknowing. Living in the discomfort of now. Not the imagined comfort of soon. Not the imagined comfort of getting that raise, being asked to get married, or the comfort of buying that new house. That’s all away from the moment. And while it will give you happiness then, in the future, you hope, how much better would it be to accept happiness right now? Without having to wait for any future award. Without being dependent on events and others. Pema writes about what a gift it is to us humans. To choose to be ok with how things are. To choose acceptance of the moment. Even if the moment isn’t quite what you ‘wanted.’

(One thing to note: Sometimes, one of the things that keeps us from being ok in the moment is almost a superstition. If we worry, we are working towards controlling the result. But it is simply not true. That is an attachment of our mind. And it is a scary one to release, as you can feel as if you will fall into the abyss. As if then everything will really be beyond your control. But it is a false sense of security.)

So look at how you can use this concept that lies behind The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card. How can you let go of the desire to move away from ‘what is’ right now? How can you find comfort in the discomfort of not knowing which way the wheel is going to roll? How can you accept, embrace, tru, and love the exact moment that is here. Right now.

The moment is for you. Only you. How may you make the best of it?



Book a reading and discover more awesomeness for yourself:

(Tarot card from Pam’s Vintage Tarot)

How Adding Tarot to Life Coaching Can Bring Out Your Best Self



Tarot and life coaching? Some people give me funny looks when I tell them what I do. They can’t quite put the two together, and look at me in puzzlement.

I would like to share with you how tarot and coaching is an amazing combination.

As we deal with life, work, family, exercise, and so on, there is one thing that I see so often getting neglected: Your true creative self. The part of you that is playful, joyous, free. Your actual soul, heart center, true nature.

Adding tarot into coaching is simply tapping in to your creative self. The work becomes playful. You find your answers to how to achieve your goals through your own creative nature.

When is the last time you looked at a picture and saw yourself? When is the last time you created your own story? Or even just saw your own story through the drama and distractions of life. When did you last remember yourself? Your true nature?

When you work with a Reflective Tarot Coach, we go through your cards together. You get to actually look at your own story through the images of the cards. And, even better, you get to create your own story moving forward! Really, this is your own life, there is no reason why you should not get to design it. Its all we have. Let’s make the most of it.

When you tap into the creative part of yourself, that colorful place where you get to draw outside the lines, that is where your freedom lies. Away from the ‘shoulds’, the ‘mustn’ts’, the ‘have tos’. There are ALWAYS other options, other ways of being, other choices. When you engage in play those new ways of being, of joy, will show up. Play can be something that is sorely lacking in us as adults. We forget the joy and magic of it. We created our identities as children when we were at play. Now is the time to find that place again.

Answers show up because when we use stories, when we play, when we color, we use different brain muscles. And these muscles will engage in new ways. And these new ways will find amazing paths through the forest. To our true natures. Our true desires.

Life coaching gets you the life results you want: new job, new business, more time, less clutter, better relationships, new relationships, etc. Adding Tarot lets you tap into your heart to really know the depth and true nature of those desires. And that makes creating your life so much more powerful.

Let’s see what life we can create for you…




10 Tarot Cards to Keep You on Your Path

Doing the right thing for ourselves. Sometimes it is hard to remember. Sometimes it is hard to figure out. We get lost and we forget our path. The path we know we should be on, we belong on, we want to be on. It is so easy to get lost in the woods with so many trees of distraction.

Here are 10 things we can learn from tarot to help guide us on our path to awesomeness…


1.    Page of Wands. What do you dream of? What is your ideal? What would bring you joy? These are questions that we need to ask ourselves. When we get caught up in the daily grind of life, we tend to put these on the back burner. Bring them forth again. Start to dream. Start to question. Start to learn. Go back to the beginning and look at this very moment as an invitation to bring your dreams into your life. Take a minute. Answer the above questions without boundaries. Freely. Write down what comes up for you. Put is somewhere that will remind you to remember. To dream.


2. Five of Cups. Regrets. Loss. We all have them. It is part of life. But when we focus on them at the cost of neglecting and appreciating what wo DO have, we are doing ourselves a disservice. What would it take to turn you around? Stand up and look in front of you. What do you see? Now turn around? What do you see? You are in the same time and place but the view is different. All it took was turning your viewpoint around. Name a regret. Or two. Now turn around and name something you are grateful for. And a second thing. And a third. Fill that list. Find gratitude. How does the view look now?


3.     Queen of Cups. Acknowledging your feelings. They are just feelings. We honor them, but we also know they pass. This knowledge can get you through your challenges. The Queen of Cups in you is mature with her feelings. She can be with them and not be run by them. You are that Queen.


4.     Six of Wands. You have victories. Plenty of them. Stop and absorb them. You deserve it. What are your victories? How have you celebrated them? What is a victory you can celebrate right now? And how are you going to do that? What is a reward you can honor yourself with right in this moment? Go do it!


5.     Ace of Swords. Now that you have celebrated yourself, your awesomeness, regroup. Get back to thinking about your dreams, your values. What is at your core self that you truly believe in? What can you cut away with this sword? What no longer fits in your life?


6.     Eight of Pentacles. Moving forward. To your dreams. To who you want to be. Baby steps and focus. Keep on keeping on. Be conscious of where you need to put your energy. What will move you forward? What is a baby step you can take towards your goal?


7.     Ten of Swords (my card!). What can you be done with? What can you let go of? What heavy weight is holding you down? If you can’t let go right now, can you just give it acceptance without judgement? Can you focus on the sunrise? How will you do that?


8.     Eight of Swords.  Afraid of the unknown. Afraid of a misstep. Afraid of making the wrong decision. How has fear been holding you back? What is it costing you? What else is it costing you? What would it be like to be fearless? Try it on. Play with it. Fantasize.


9.     Three of Cups. Friends. Love. Support. As you move towards your life, towards your dreams, who can support you? Where can you find an ally? Who will rally around you and root for you? Those are who to bring in close.


10.     Ten of Pentacles. The end goal. The big picture. This card shows the fruits of one’s labors, the result of the personal foundation you are creating now. This card shows family, community, security. That may or may not be what your desires are. What do you want your success to be? What is your personal end result? Go back to your dreams, your desires. How can you make it a solid vision? How do you imagine yourself in it? Take this vision and keep it with you. Wear it like a cloak, a mantle. Watch as the world changes around you and aligns…

And, of course to take this deeper for profound change, please book a session.








Power Tarot – Bring It!




Where is your power? Who has your power? Why do they have your power? Why did you give it to them? What would it be like to take that power back? Connect to your bad-ass self? Walk taller. Walk fearlessly. Walk knowing your awesome self.

We, especially women, so easily give up our power. For so many different reasons. So much of it goes back to survival and fear. We learned how to survive as children. It may have been by making ourselves small. It may have been by making ourselves larger than we actually felt. Defenses. Defenses take our power. They show up in so many different ways, but they always come back to how we knew how to survive.

Now, as adults, it has become habit. Our go to way of being. We don’t even realize that we have given up our power until we feel sad, scared, angry, confused, frustrated, broken.

We need to find out how to tap into our latent power. Our latent awesomeness. The stuff that you know is there, it just can’t seem to find its way to the top.

We. Are. Not. Helpless.

Want to find your power? Want to strip off some of those protective layers and let your kickass self out?

Let’s do a power session. Let’s have you find your strength.

Set up a Reflective Tarot Coaching Session or a Power Email Reading, and walk in this world knowing yourself and knowing your strength!

Click here to schedule your powerfulness!


(Cards in photo: Wildwood Tarot @